TechTalk: The Digital, GRIDGITAL, Grid: Leveraging Software and AI for Next-Generation Grid Modernization

TechTalk: The Digital, GRIDGITAL, Grid: Leveraging Software and AI for Next-Generation Grid Modernization

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM · 1 hr. (US/Pacific)
211AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
RE+ Tech
Energy StorageSolar


This session will provide a deeper understanding of how to effectively leverage existing tools to scale up impact and optimize grid performance in an increasingly complex digital landscape. Participants will gain insights into the challenges associated with integrating control and information systems into the grid, with a particular focus on maintaining safety and reliability through robust standards. Panelists will also discuss the intricate balance between innovation and grid security, exploring methods to ensure reliability while embracing cutting-edge technologies.
Presentation ID
Learning Level
201 - Advance
RE+ Tech Sessions
RE+ Tech
Track Name
RE+ Tech


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